1. What does 'commit your art to purpose' actually mean?
Aristotle said that when your passions and gifts meet with the needs of the world, you have found your purpose. Purpose means whatever you think it means. Where there is injustice, hopelessness or lostness, you will find the need for a voice of purpose.
Read what Rilke said about purpose if you want to know how to use poetry for more than yearning after lost love and romancing lovers. While those will always be the most noble of pursuits, today, the world needs voices of resistance!
2. What is required of me if I become a Lost Poet's member?
Only that you commit some of your art to purpose. Find a plight in this world and be a voice of light in the darkness. Nothing else is required of you other than following the 3 rules of membership, and to be a good ambassador for Lost Poets to the world.
4. Do I have to be a poet to join the Lost Poets?
No, but you must be an artist. We encourage musicians, painters, digital artists, filmmakers, photographers, and artists of all mediums to embrace the ideas of Lost Poets and commit their art to the resistance, to purpose.